


Welcome to our commodities export company, dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture and local community development through the export of organic crops. We specialize in the export of high-quality sesame, hibiscus, gum arabic, chickpeas, watermelon seeds, and baobab. At our company, we prioritize working with small-scale farmers and cooperatives who use environmentally friendly practices to cultivate their crops. We believe that supporting these farmers not only benefits the environment but also helps to build stronger, more resilient communities.



Our Services

Our commitment to sustainability extends to every aspect of our business, from the way we source our products to the packaging and shipping methods we use. We aim to minimize our environmental impact while ensuring that our products arrive in excellent condition, ready to be enjoyed by consumers around the world. We are proud to be part of a global movement towards more sustainable and socially responsible business practices. We believe that by working together, we can create a more just and equitable world, one that values both people and the planet.



First Trade for Import and Export Company.

Our company takes great care in ensuring that all of our products meet international standards for quality, safety, and purity. To achieve this, we have invested in a state-of-the-art facility that is equipped with the latest technology and machinery for sorting, sifting, cleaning, and packaging our crops.

Our factory is designed to meet the highest standards of hygiene and food safety, and is staffed by trained personnel who follow strict protocols to maintain the integrity of our products. We utilize advanced sorting and sifting equipment to remove any foreign matter, damaged or discolored product, or other contaminants from our crops. This equipment is adjustable to meet the specific needs of each crop and can be set to meet the rigorous international quality standards required by our customers.


Our Products

The factory is working with big productivity capacity a matter that enable it cover considerable percentage of the market’s demand, hence occupying the top list among the factories working in this field due to the factory’s expertize and steadiness.